
Program Introduction

The concept for the Birth Justice Warriors was born out of the crippling bias and injustice faced by black and brown mothers in the United States in general and in Nassau County in particular. According to the New York State Department of Health, a black woman is up to four times more likely to die in childbirth than a white mother. In Nassau County, the infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 9.4 for Black babies versus the 2.2 reported for White non-Hispanic babies. Looking at these and other statistics, the inequity is clear. We need a targeted outreach and advocacy program to help even the score and equal the outcomes for women of color in Nassau County.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make injustice visible and fight for good births, healthy moms and strong babies in our communities.

To do this, we will be

  • Hearing stories of black women on Long Island about birth and babies
  • Bringing high quality measures that are enriching and provide EQUITY in the care of our birthing moms.

Core Values

  • Hard work
  • Integrity
  • Community Involvement
  • Cultural Consciousness

Program Goals

  • To train and develop a qualified cohort of woman to help address birth inequities in minority populations in Nassau County in culturally relevant and respectful ways
  • To motivate and encourage minority residents within Nassau County to become more informed participants in their birthing process
  • To advocate for culturally relevant and respectful care from Nassau County health and social service providers

The work of the Birth Justice Warriors is funded in part by March of Dimes Prematurity Prevention Support and the Long Island Community Foundation.